Audvik Labs

Python 2 VS Python 3

Introduction One of the programming languages that has taken the world of technology to a whole new level is Python. The general-purpose programming language has found its applications in a plethora of fields like Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, etc.The two major versions of Python that were introduced to the world

Understanding about Python Iterator

Introduction An iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values. An iterator is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that you can traverse through all the values.Technically, Python iterator is an object which implements the iterator protocol, which consist of the methods iter() and next() Create an Iterator To create

Differentiation of NumPy and SciPy

NumPy and SciPy both are very important libraries in Python. They have a wide range of functions and contrasting operations. NumPy is short for Numerical Python while SciPy is an abbreviation of Scientific Python. Both are modules of Python and are used to perform various operations with the data. The prerequisite of working with both

Socket Programming in Python

In general terms, sockets are interior endpoints built for sending and receiving data. A single network will have two sockets, one for each communicating device or program. These sockets are a combination of an IP address and a Port. A single device can have ‘n’ number of sockets based on the port number that is

What is Python Regular Expression?

Introduction A Python regular expression is a sequence of metacharacters, that defines a search pattern. We use these patterns in a string-searching algorithm to “find” or “find and replace” on strings. They are strings in which “what to match” is defined or written.The term “regular expressions” is frequently shortened to “regex” at some places.Regular expressions

What is python virtual environment?

Introduction Most Python projects we develop will have dependencies: code written by other people that we install and use, so that we don’t have to re-write it ourselves. For example, the requests library is a popular third-party dependency to make HTTP requests. The flask library is used to create web applications. There are thousands upon

Decorators In Python

Introduction A decorator in Python is a function that takes another function as its argument, and returns yet another function. Decorators can be extremely useful as they allow the extension of an existing function, without any modification to the original function source code. A decorator gives a function a new behavior without changing the function

Python Packages

Introduction A Python package usually consists of several modules. Physically, a package is a folder containing modules and maybe other folders that themselves may contain more folders and modules. Conceptually, it’s a namespace. This simply means that a package’s modules are bound together by a package name, by which they may be referenced. A package

Ruby vs Python

Introduction Ruby is a dynamic, open source, object-oriented and reflective programming language. Ruby is considered similar to Perl and Smalltalk programming languages. It runs on all types of platforms like Windows, Mac OS, and all versions of UNIX. Python is a simple, easy to learn, powerful, high level and object-oriented programming language. It is an

Data Analytics vs Data Science

● Data Analytics vs Data Science In such a faced-paced world, it’s not surprising we sometimes confuse certain technical terms, especially when they evolve at such dizzying speeds and new scientific fields seem to emerge overnight. That’s why in the world of big data, which involves working with enormous and complicated amounts of information, some