Audvik Labs


Lesser known features of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL contains a slew of great features. Many of them are very well known. Others can be incredibly useful but are not as widely appreciated. Here are our top picks for great PostgreSQL features you may not have taken a look at but really should, since they can help you get code into production faster, make ops easier and generally get things done with less code and sweat.

Pub/Sub Notifications

PostgreSQL comes with a simple non-durable topic-based publish-subscribe notification system. It’s no Kafka, but the features do support common use cases.

Messages on a specific topic can be broadcast to all connected subscribers who are listening for that topic. The messages are pushed by the Postgres server to the listening clients. Polling is not required, but your database driver should support delivery of notifications to the application asynchronously.

The notification consists of a topic name and a payload (upto about 8000 characters). The payload would typically be a JSON string, but of course it can be anything. You can send a notification using the NOTIFY command.

Table Inheritance

Assume you have a table called “invoices”. You’ve to now support “government invoices”, which are invoices but have a few additional fields. How would you model this? Rather than adding nullable columns to invoices, or a single nullable JSON column to invoices, try the inheritance feature

This reflects the situation that all government invoices are invoices, but have an extra attribute. The “government_invoices” table above has a total of 3 columns.

Foreign Data Wrappers

Did you know you can have virtual tables that actually serve data from another PostgreSQL instance? Or even SQLite files, MongoDB, Redis, and more? This feature is called Foreign Data Wrappers, which provides a standardized way to access and manipulate data stored externally to the Postgres server you’re connecting to. There are various FDW implementations available that let you connect to various different data sources. These are typically packaged as extensions.

The standard Postgres distribution comes with the postgres _fdw extension, which lets you connect to other Postgres servers. For example, you can move a big table to another server, and setup a virtual table (the proper term is a “foreign table”) locally.

Text searching

Elasticsearch is excellent, but many use cases can get along just fine with Postgres for text searching. Postgres has a special data type, tsvector, and a set of functions, like to_tsvector and to_tsquery, to search quickly through text. tsvector represents a document optimized for text search by sorting terms and normalizing variants.

Functions in Postgres

Postgres provides a powerful server-side function environment in multiple programming languages.

Try to pre-process as much data as you can on the Postgres server with server-side functions.  That way, you can cut down on the latency that comes from passing too much data back and forth between your application servers and your database. This approach is particularly useful for large aggregations and joins.

What’s even better is your development team can use its existing skill set for writing Postgres code. Other than the default PL/pgSQL (Postgres’ native procedural language), Postgres functions and triggers can be written in PL/Python, PL/Perl, PL/V8 (JavaScript extension for Postgres) and PL/R.

Postgres offers powerful extensions

Extensions are to Postgres are what plug-ins mean in many applications. Suitable use of Postgres extensions can also mean you don’t have to work with other data stores for extra functionality. There are many extensions available and listed on the main Postgres website. 

Geospatial Data

PostGIS is a specialized extension for Postgres used for geospatial data manipulation and running location queries in SQL. It’s widely popular among GIS application developers who use Postgres. A great beginner’s guide to using PostGIS can be found here.

The code snippet below shows how we are adding the PostGIS extension to the current database. From the OS, we run these commands to install the package (assuming you are using Ubuntu):

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install postgis

After that, log in to your Postgres instance and install the extension:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

If you want to check what extensions you have in the current database, run this command:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions;

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